Thank you to everyone who joined us at IDC’s second Design Symposium in Vancouver, B.C. in recognition of Canadian interior design and the work of all our talented designers. As we witnessed at the symposium, and continue to see every day, there is so much to celebrate in our industry. As your new President for the 2019/2020 term, I want to encourage our members to continue the celebration by submitting your projects to IDC’s team, by connecting with your peers at events throughout the country, and by engaging with designers across the globe on IDC Trade Missions.
We want to build on the success already established by past IDC leaders, and will continue to engage with you, the members, via quarterly webinars, continuous news updates, and will seek opportunities for all our members to be more involved in the association and contribute to conversations about important topics affecting our industry.
IDC has so many exciting initiatives in store for 2019/2020 including a robust advocacy plan to showcase the work of individual members and the many successes of our association, in an effort to keep spreading the word about the amazing work that interior designers do every day that impact all of our lives.
One of our main goals is to connect IDC members across the country, and provide up-to-date information to members, industry and educational institutions. IDC is your association – and you, the members, have an impact of how our story is told.
I look forward to hearing from many of you over the next year and continuing the great work both within the national association and within design communities, large and small, throughout the country.
Carol Jones
IDC President