Keep up to date on current industry regulations, business practices, and trends through online learning channels
Interior Designers of Canada (IDC) members are constantly learning, which is a great perk for clients and the public. Canadian interior designers are required to fulfil professional development requirements in order to remain members in good standing with their provincial association, which is facilitated through the Interior Design Continuing Education Council.
At IDC’s Design Symposium, 30.5 senior-level continuing education credits were available to all members attending, 11 of which were Health, Safety & Welfare (HSW).
To provide the required continuing education opportunities for members, IDC offers many CEUs nationally each year through various programming and events nation-wide. IDC has also has teamed up with Orion Learning to offer members a wide range online programs, including courses on project management, change management, leadership, customer service, management skills and more!
There are over 900 online courses at a special member rate, available 24/7 through Orion’s website, which is accessed through the member portal on IDC’s website: To keep members in the loop, IDC publishes news and professional development information for members via monthly bulletins and on its online events calendar at