Learn how to prepare to successfully write and pass the NCIDQ exam with IDC’s new NCIDQ Exam Study Sessions, featuring educator and interior design professional Rebecca Muyal.
The study sessions are presented in six easy-to-follow videos, available to IDC members for only $25 (purchase here). The sessions review exam writing strategies, study tips and hints to help better understand studying techniques, the environment required to concentrate, methods to staying organized, and the length of time to be considered for studying prior to the exams.
Video Study Session Descriptions
Session 1 – General Overview (24 min)
Overview of the association, guidelines for eligibility to write the NCIDQ exam, application process, timelines and deadlines, fee schedules, and a sample of pass rates for each exam.
Session 2 – Building Code (8 min)
Review of the building code and accessibility requirements and the difference between codes across North America and the one used by NCIDQ for exam purposes only.
Session 3 – IDFX Multiple Choice Exam (6 min)
General review of the exam content, length of time, quantity and type of questions and scoring method.
Session 4 – IDPX Multiple Choice Exam (7 min)
Continuation of the general review of the exam content, length of time, quantity and type of questions and scoring method.
Session 5 – Practicum (6 min)
Exam video to help interns visually understand the exam requirements and how to navigate through the digital application of this exam.
Session 6 – Expectations and Insight (43 min)
Test center requirements, scores for each exam with an explanation of NCIDQ’s scoring method, the process used to develop exams and interns’ exam reports and a link to recommended reading materials.
Note: The $25 purchase will grant you access to the entire 6-video bundle.
The video study sessions are available in English only. To request French versions, please email arenaud@idcanada.org.