This Saturday, May 27th, designers around the globe will celebrate World Interiors Day (WID). The annual event, observed every last Saturday in May, engages professional associations, design lovers and the public to find ways of looking at their built environments through the lens of creativity, imagination, vision and passion.
Sponsored by the International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers, WID’s theme for 2017 is “Interior Design for Generations”, which seeks to address the connection between the built environment, its occupants and time. As global life expectancy continues to rise, interior designers worldwide face the challenges of creating spaces that promote wellness and that are equally accessible, sustainable and functional.
Interior design students have a set curriculum, a number of hours and exams to complete at an accredited school before becoming registered interior designers. Once they become members of their provincial association, they also join Interior Designers of Canada, which acts on their behalf as the national advocacy body for the interior design profession.
From the bright and well-designed waiting room at a doctor’s office, to a multi-functional, diverse and inclusive space like the Aquatic Centre in Toronto’s Regent Park neighbourhood, interior design impacts lives. In today’s society, culture, and our future built environments, design is accountable to its inhabitants, and rightfully so. Good design and excellent space planning adds value to our homes, increases businesses’ bottom line, draws customers into stores ensuring safety, health and well-being. That alone is worth boasting about.
Tony Brenders, CEO
Interior Designers of Canada