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On June 22, IDC hosted the latest installment of its celebrated Industry Sales Professionals Course (ISPC) in Winnipeg, Man. ISPC is a custom course tailored exclusively to meet the needs of architecture and design industry sales professionals.

The event featured a panel discussion by leading design professionals, followed by a presentation by IDC’s CEO, Trevor Kruse, and brought together IDC members, manufacturers, suppliers, and industry representatives at event host, Vicostone’s showroom.

The discussion was moderated by CEO Trevor Kruse in conversation with Jason Robbins, President at Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) and Lead Architect, Defence & Public Safety Sector at AECOM, Joanne McFadden, President at Professional Interior Designers Institute of Manitoba (PIDIM) and Principal at ft3 Architecture Landscape Interior Design, and IDC Vice President and Senior Accommodations Planner at the City of Winnipeg, Jennifer Wiwchar-Fast.

The panel discussed industry and designer interaction in the era of Zoom, how firms are currently working, the needs of the design community, and ideas industry members can use when working with designers.

“Our connections and communications with the product rep community is an essential part to how we as designers work. We would be very lost without them,” said panelist Joanne McFadden, reflecting on the importance of hosting these types of panels.

Following the panel discussion, Trevor Kruse delivered a special presentation on the topic of helping industry representatives to think like a designer.

“The ISPC was a great event for A&D representatives to remind us how to navigate this difficult boundary between the rep and designer,” said Katrina Ozerkevich, A&D Sales Representative at Julian Tile. “It is a great course-for new A&D representatives and companies to invest in.”

Another attendee, Dallas Klassen, Regional Sales Director – Canada West at Interface, remarked that the event provided a great engaging opportunity to have a candid conversation on how manufacturers and distributors can better support industry customers both in the design and architectural fields.

Learn about the 2024 ISPC Manitoba offering!