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Mac’s II Agencies Lighting, Design & Acoustics

mars 11, 2020 @ 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm PDT

The challenge of controlling noise in interior environments is a frequent point of discussion in the design community. Using office space an example, how can an impactful open-office design be executed without considering the level of sound that projects in the space? Many spaces encourage human interaction, and interaction comes with the biproduct of noise.

More and more consideration has come into play regarding noise levels and workspaces. Last summer, WorkSafe BC introduced policies surrounding sound decibels in loud work environments. By law, all employers whose workers are regularly exposed to noise over 85 dB must have a hearing conservation program that includes hearing protection and annual hearing tests.

These conversations ripple to those who create our spaces: designers, architects, engineers, contractors and more. Design solutions that consider acoustics are the latest trend in the design community and come in a variety of applications – lighting, textiles, carpeting, insulation & drywall and furniture to name a few.

On March 11, be part of the conversation. Join industry professionals to network and discuss the latest trends in design solutions. This event focuses on Lighting, Design & Acoustics and will bring together a variety of manufacturers, specifiers, association representatives and more.

Full bar & canapés provided – registration required.



Date :
mars 11, 2020
Heure :
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm PDT
Catégorie d’Évènement:
Site :


The Permanent
330 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 3K2 Canada
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