Welcome back to the President’s Message series, featuring IDC’s new President, Jennifer Wiwchar-Fast. Tune in for information about IDC updates, program information and deadlines, industry news, upcoming events around the country, and ways to get directly involved with IDC.
In this message:
- Thank you for joining us at the IDC Design Symposium. Read the event recap.
. - Congratulations to new IDC board members – Paola Marques, Kathryn Lawrence, Shannon Robinson, Sandra Lester, and Joanna Tiffin. Meet the new board.
. - IDC board members and CEO attended the CIDQ annual meeting in Louisville, KY.
- Notable presentations:
- Congratulations to the new CIDQ President, Erin Jennings!
- IDC held its first Regional Impact Breakfast on Nov. 30. Read more about the event and this year’s honourees, Allan Guinan and Caroline Hughes.
. - Membership renewal invoices have been sent out to members. Take advantage of an early bird discount by Dec. 31, 2023. Learn more.
. - IDC has partnered with BIFMA to provide members with access to accredited CEUs. Sign up for BIFMA’s final course of the year – Demystifying Furniture’s Role in Sustainability on Dec. 21, 2023.
. - IDC and ARIDO will be on the stage at the Interior Design Show Toronto 2024. Stay tuned for more information about programming and tickets.
Stay tuned to IDC’s website and social channels for more updates and the next President’s Message in January.
Please send your events, news items, and any questions to communications@idcanada.org.